Subsonic turbulent flow past two element NLR-7301 configuration

In this study, computations are performed for steady, subsonic and turbulent flow past two element NLR-7301 configuration. NLR-7301 configuration consists of a main element and a flap. The gap between these elements is 2.6% of the main element chord. The configuration is designed with moderate flap angle of 20 degrees.
Subsonic turbulent flow past three element NHLP2D configuration

In this study, computations are performed for steady, subsonic and turbulent flow past three element NHLP configuration. NHLP configuration consists of a slat, a main element and a flap as shown in figure below.
Subsonic turbulent flow past MDA four element airfoil configuration

In this study, computations are performed for steady, subsonic and turbulent flow past four element MDA configuration. This configuration consists of a slat, a main element, a primary flap and an auxiliary flap as shown in figure below.
Subsonic turbulent flow past Omar five element airfoil

In this study, computations are performed for steady, subsonic and turbulent flow past five element OMAR configuration shown in figure below. The objective of this study is to compare results obtained using a structured grid with an unstructured grid.
Supersonic inviscid flow past monoplanar missile configuration

In this study, computations are performed for supersonic inviscid flow past a monoplanar missile [1] configuration. This configuration has a body consisting of ogive-cylinder, two wings and four fins arranged in cruciform position.
Transonic turbulent flow past ONERA M6 wing

In this study, computations are performed for steady, transonic and turbulent flow past ONERA-M6 configuration. This test case is one of the first validation cases considered using HiFUN.
Transonic turbulent flow past DLR-F6 Wing Body configuration

DLR-F6 Wing Body configuration is a representative of a modern, twin-engine, transport aircraft configuration designed to fly at transonic speed. This configuration was used for analyzing state-of-the-art CFD technology in second AIAA drag prediction workshop. In this study, computations are performed for steady, transonic and turbulent flow past DLR wing-body configuration. (Our sincere thanks to […]
Subsonic turbulent flow past NASA Trap Wing configuration

In this study, computations are performed for subsonic turbulent flow past a high lift NASA Trap wing configuration having a slat, a main element and a flap. Computing high lift flows is still considered as a challenge in CFD due to complexities associated with both the geometry and flow physics.
Supersonic turbulent flow past HB-2 Missile

The HB-2 is a hypervelocity ballistic model consisting of an axisymmetric, blunted cone–cylinder body with a flaring. Computations are performed for a range of Mach numbers
Turbulent supersonic flow past ELAC-1

In this study, computations are performed for supersonic turbulent flow past ELAC-1 (Elliptic Aerodynamic configuration) configuration. This aerospace vehicle consisting of a delta wing with a sweep angle of 75 degrees and stabilizer fins at the wing tips.
Supersonic turbulent flow past M910 spinning projectile

In this study, supersonic turbulent computations are performed for M910 spinning projectile. This projectile is a target practice, discarding sabot–traced (TPDS–T) projectile. Computations are performed for a wide range of supersonic Mach numbers.
Turbulent flow past Space Shuttle Launch Vehicle (SSLV)

The configuration consists of a space shuttle in launch configuration, including the external tank, shuttle rocket boosters and some interconnection hardware. Computations are done for a free stream Mach number = 1.05.